
blieve avatar image
blieve asked

Overvoltage when keep batteries charged is on


I noticed since a few days that the charge logic is not being followed sometimes when the systems is in "Keep batteries charged" mode. See below charts


DVCC is on and the bms is sending the correct charge voltages.

The pack itself is perfectly balanced within a few millivolts.

It happens when there is a peak in solar production, altough everything is connected on the AC side. (No DC MPPT's and DC system is turned off). I would expect that the grid feed-in would just increase instead of overcharging the batteries.

Is there any explanation or setting that I missed?



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blieve avatar image blieve commented ·
@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) someone from Victron able to shine a light on this?
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Hi @blieve,

As a work around, could you please set the ESS mode to optimised and then set the minimum SOC to 100% (or 99%) and then report back with the behaviour?

Another thing do you have allow AC PV export enabled?

And yet another thing, on the Venus GUI, could you please set the reporting interval to 1 minute - from the current default 15 minutes. That would help in this case to see better if the Victron is following the batteries orders.

Ideally the Charge Voltage Limit is reduced before the battery reaches 100%, at 98% or less.

You don't say which battery or BMS you are using - do they have Victron support and compatibility documentation?

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blieve avatar image blieve Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

Hi Guy,

I updated the reporting interval to 1 minute.

As a workaround I indeed changed to ESS mode to optimized with minimum SOC to 95%, the problem doesn't seem to happen in this case. (altough not very sunny here in the netherlands the last 2 weeks...)

I've seen another post here with a similar issue that said this as a workaround. (

AC PV export is enabled (without limits)

The batterypack itself has an JKBMS built-in and supports the Victron protocol, connected via the BMS.Can port. It's currently programmed to request a CVL of 55.2V for 1 hrs and then lower to the float voltage for 6hrs.

Kind regards,

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ blieve commented ·

Weird how the battery voltage rises like that with no current going to the battery? Something else is afoot. Possibly something like a disconnect is happening.

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blieve avatar image blieve Alexandra ♦ commented ·
It's hard to see on the chart but the charge current drops to about 1.4A so voltage keeps rising very slowly
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ blieve commented ·

Cap it in DVCC. Hou can set the max charge voltage there.

I have also found that rather than use keep batteries charged what works for some batteries better is optimised with battery life and set it to 100% soc there.

For 1A charge the rise is a bit dramatic. Maybe check bus bar and battery assembly issues as well.

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blieve avatar image blieve Alexandra ♦ commented ·
I'll test it out with the DVCC cap see how it responds to that.

Battery and busbar are decently built, I won't expect anything wrong there, I don't see issues when in normal battery cycles or when the soc is manually put on 100%. Only weirdness with the voltage happens when in keep batteries charged

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blieve avatar image blieve Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Tried again today but same result (with DVCC charge voltage limited to 55,3V)


Battery voltage slowly drifting up, charge currents upto 5A.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ blieve commented ·
Are all your components programmed with the same and correct charge voltages and chemistry?

How does the 55.3v differ from the absorption voltage?

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blieve avatar image blieve Alexandra ♦ commented ·

The MPII's had a different charge curve programmed then the BMS but I now put everything on the same voltages yesterday evening.

Including the DVCC max voltage.

Result is already the same on this sunny morning, the battery voltage keep rising (charge current between 1 & 5A).

Really looks like a bug to me! whatever happens, the max voltage should be respected in whatever mode.

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blieve avatar image blieve blieve commented ·

Todays result:


Still seems to follow the solar curve. I don't know if it would have kept rising when the clouds wouldn't have come or that it is somehow an unknown algorithm (kept rising and high for 5hrs, peak was around 56,6V)

So still 3V more than the programmed limits.

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1 Answer
pf-1 avatar image
pf-1 answered ·

The maximum charging voltage is also exceeded in my installation when "keep batteries chared" is activated.
However, I do not use the DVCC value "Maximum charging voltage", but the internal settings of the Multis/Quattro.
I use the SmartShunt as the battery monitor and no controlling BMS.
If the "Optimized for battery life" setting is selected, everything works perfectly.
I have the feeling that it somehow has to do with the SVS, which I have activated so that the Multi/Quattro regulates to the actual battery voltage.

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