
jbzeno avatar image
jbzeno asked

ET112 energy meter via rs485 missing after an auto update on Multiplus II GX 48/5000/70-48

Hi Everyone

My power meter ET112 (measuring over a grid tie inverter) did not show up in Victron Connect after an auto update. I could see that it was seen 6 days ago and it was missing after the unit auto updated itself to V3.30. I can see the energy meter in the remote console under energy meters but I can also see it after unplugging the RS485 so its like a ghost meter exists. The ET112 energy meter works 100% through a laptop and the Carlo Gavazzi software so I would have to assume the meter is working. I've updated the Multiplus to firmware V3.31 recently with no success. I've also restarted the system many times but the energy meter is still not visible under the device list. The communicating LED's on the RS485 is also not blinking like before but plugging it into a laptop the communication LED's are lighting up. Is there a way to reset my Multiplus to factory defaults so that I can remove the "stuck" energy meter and add a new one? Or anything else I can do to remove this meter?

Multiplus-IIet112 pv readings
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10 Answers
daza avatar image
daza answered ·

Hi how have you got the ET112 wired? is it fused with the milliamp fuse on the neutral? If so could that be blown? Next is just double check the connections on the bottom as the ethernet cable is so thin and sometimes the insulation gets clamped instead of the copper.

Try deleting the device from the VRM advance page and then reboot the unit with it disconnected from the GX or other device once rebooted and operating plug back in the ET112 to the GX or what ever device you are using

If there is no issue there try a big shut down reboot ie whole supply on the board so the ET112 is totally powered down.

If all that fails could be the RS485 or the ET112, if your at this part then the cheapest replacement is the cable unless you can rule out the cable via a testing method, I don’t know of any so I can’t advice but others should be able to help further

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jbzeno avatar image
jbzeno answered ·

Thank you for your reply @Daza. I've powered down the Multiplus with the meter disconnected but it is still visible under energy meters when starting up. I've checked all the connections and fuses and they are all good. The meter with RS485 (Victron cable) is working 100% when I connect it to a laptop with Carlo Gavazzi UCS 7 - Universal Configuration Software.

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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

what device are you using for the ET112 is it a GX? Try to remove it from the advance bit on the VRM see if it reassigns but please make sure the connections on the ET112 properly connecting to the copper of the RS485 think I’m crimping mine when I move mine next time.

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ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@JBZENO Have you tried a different usb port on the cerbo? Unplug the RS485 from the cerbo then use the remove function to get rid of it. Below you can see the VM-3P75CT meter that was removed but still shows. After connecting it again, you will likely see a second instance in VRM and you can delete the one that is inactive.d0c641c0-cbc2-44cc-99c4-fadeab409484.jpeg

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jbzeno avatar image
jbzeno answered ·

@Daza It doesn't look like the GX is detecting the ET112. It used to be under device list but I removed it after it stopped working and then trying to add it. Its still missing. The only place where I see the meter currently is under energy meters in the Remote Console when connecting to Victron Connect. It is there regardless of the RS485 cable plugged in or not. The energy meter is working perfect connecting it to a laptop and serial software Carlo Gavazzi UCS 7 - Universal Configuration Software. It looks like the Victron has the energy meter wrongly or half installed/configured so its not detecting a working meter at the moment. I don't want to buy a new cable or meter and start fault finding because the meter is working with a laptop which is making the Multiplus suspect number 1

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jbzeno avatar image
jbzeno answered ·

@ejrossouw only seeing your comment now. The Multiplus II GX 48/5000/70-48 comes with one USB port only. The meter is not showing up under the device list unfortunately. I can only see the meter under energy meters. There is no option to remove it there. 1716453559103.png

1716453559103.png (19.8 KiB)
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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·
If not already done, try rolling back the firmware from the rconsole and also enter the meter settings as per your screenshot and change the role or something and switch it back again. All relatively easy to do even if a long shot in the dark before a GX reset ;)
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jetlag avatar image
jetlag answered ·

One question, - the software version you did update to 3.30 is not the Multiplus2 itself but the VenusOS I assume?

Can you check if you can maybe go back to the previous version? And if yes, then just deactivate automatic updates. ;-)

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jbzeno avatar image
jbzeno answered ·

@Jetlag yes the Version 3.30 is the Venus OS running on the GX


I tried to go back from version 3.31 to version 3.30 with no luck. I cant roll back more than one update through the console. The problem started when the system updated to V3.30 from whatever it was on. I could see it from the activity log that the missing energy meter started on the same day as the update. The system was running for about 2 years without any problems before that.

1716463585660.png (22.1 KiB)
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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

hi, i had sort of an issue with a ET340 in the past, maybe you can try what solved it for me

factory reset the GX device


turn automatic update's off and leave it off, never update a good running system (official victron advice)

factory reset of a gx device is explained here:

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jbzeno avatar image jbzeno commented ·
@duivert I tried this yesterday with a good USB drive formatted FAT32 with no luck. I also tried with the two different file names. I think the USB port is dead! I do not know of any other way to reset to factory defaults. I've logged the problem with the supplier I bought the unit from and hopefully Victron can assist repairing this unit.
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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL jbzeno commented ·
That could be the problem
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jbzeno avatar image
jbzeno answered ·

@duivert thank you that sounds like a possible solution. Yes, I turned on automatic updates which I will never do again - lesson learnt. I will keep you updated and thank you to everyone so far for your input - I appreciate the support

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