
hconnerelectrical avatar image
hconnerelectrical asked

Grid-tied Quattro for new installer


I'm relatively new to Victron gear and just looking at designing first job.

Situation is, customer has a large property with micro hydro and solar which is in progress at the moment, but in the meanwhile he's bought a bunch of gear which he'd like to have a look at to incorporate the VRM with existing bms software going in to the new place.

Got a 10kva 48v Quattro, alongside 4 x PylonTech US5000, which I'm going to connect in two pairs of two up to his Lynx Distributer. There's (for the sake of this test setup!) no generating units, he just wants to charge his batteries on a cheaper tarriff at night, then use some of the power during the day when the tarriff is more expensive.

My main question is regarding the AC and the Quattro, can I run the entire house power (consumer unit) across the Quattro using the AC out, and then the Quattro automatically changes over to batteries when specified, or do I need to connect the Quattro like a seperate solar inverter where it's fed off a breaker from the consumer unit?

I'll attatch a sketch to demonstrate what I'm trying to get at!pxl-20240522-152742904.jpg

Essentially, what I want to know is, can a higher AC load than the Quattros inverting power of 10Kva pass through the Quattro if the house so happens to go over this load demand?

When the big job is getting nearer, plan is to move everything over into it, but one step at a time for me!

I'm based in Yorkshire, England for reference!

Appreciate the help in advance,

Harry C

quattro 10kva
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1 Answer
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·


"My main question is regarding the AC and the Quattro, can I run the entire house power (consumer unit) across the Quattro using the AC out"

Yes, as long as you respect the limits as per the specification sheet below, which should probably have been one of the first documents you consulted ;)


"and then the Quattro automatically changes over to batteries when specified"

Out of the box no. ESS is intended for 100% self consumption, although there are other options such as node red and AC ignore functions that can be used to customise a system further. I propose ESS, which can discharge until the batteries reach your required min SOC and then supply loads from the grid until charged again as per a schedule. (You can use AC ignore for which I will let you find out more from the various threads on the topic.)

There are many resources you should familiarise yourself such as ESS manuals and also Victron Professional is a valuable source of free training etc. where you can sign up. If you don't have the time for all this, maybe get in touch with your Victron dealer and supplier to assist, even if at a fee just to work with you through your first install.

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hconnerelectrical avatar image hconnerelectrical commented ·
Thanks for your fast reply!

Yeah I noticed that but just wanted to hear from someone with more experience that it could be done!

I'm guessing as well it would be more appropriate to use AC in 2 for my grid connection, and AC out 1 for the consumer unit? If so and I need to increase the AC output power has this got to be done in VE Config or can I do it straight through the app?

If so I'll have to go get one of the cables!

Thanks again for your help,

Harry C

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