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jm-fesma asked

Multiplus II 48/10000/ 140-100. Problems with synchronisation with the grid.

Hi All.
This is my first post so I welcome you all.

I am currently running an installation built on 3xMultiplus II 48/10000/ 140-100 units, with an energy storage of 105kWh.
My problem is that the system runs very unstable when voltage is applied to the input.
What I have in mind. The units keep trying to charge or discharge the battery at maximum power. The period of these cycles is very small and less than a second. I would describe the operation as a surge, on occasions its devices make very disturbing sounds, similar to overloading. The operation is so unstable and "strange" that unfortunately the system is currently disconnected from the grid.
The system behaves this way in both a 3-phase system and a single-phase system. At first, I thought there might be a faulty which of the Multiplus. I therefore reprogrammed the system and checked each one individually as a 1-phase system. The behavior is identical on each of the Multiplus.

The system is connected in three phases. Firmware version 2627510, ESS assistant installed. I have one ET340, like a PV meter on the Grid side of the system. I also have a VM-3P75CT meter as a Grid.

I would just like to add that when the system is working without a grid (off-grid) it works fine, that is, it feeds small loads on its output.

Has anyone in the esteemed community encountered this or a similar problem?

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