
4711austria avatar image
4711austria asked

wrong behavior of RS450/100 ?


3x MP2 5k ESS DVCC, MPPT RS450/100, AC In PV, AC Out PV

AC out: SMA 6k with the same PV setup as the RS450. So I can compare these two setups on their behavior (on clouds, sun, ...).

The RS does not produce power all time, DC load into grid is activated, so the RS should run the same as the SMA, all day, ever. Bring all the power into DC and the MP2 will load the energy is not needed by the battery, into grid or critical power.

That's it what it should be, correct ?!
Of course the MPPT has the latest firmware installed.

This is what I see in VRM, SMA does produce the whole day:


the MPPT not:


lost nearly the whole morning!

OK, now the RS 450 is sometimes doing nothing... for hours, nothing.... what is the problem?

that is what I see in networked:


this is what other people see there:


Now my dealer means, that is all caused by the BMS of my Gobel Batteries. So I tried it out, disconnected the battery:


same behavior, no production:


1) there is a difference in the networked settings, how do I get rid of the Master Group to ext. control? I think that the dc load into grid is acting with that feature?

2) I heard from other people with the same problems, sometimes changing voltages did help, sometimes not. What is cousing this behavior?

3) ?

Pls hlp finding a sollution, actually I loose a lot of energy by the RS450 just sitting around. THX!

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nickdb answered ·
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