
vanlife3d avatar image
vanlife3d asked

Is it okay to leave Multiplus on all the time?

Hello, I did a lot of searching in the forums before asking this question. I have a small camper van setup with 400AH lithium, 600W solar. It is more than enough power. The Multiplus 12V 2000A inverter only draws a few W on standby so I've been leaving it on 24/7 for convenience. The inverter provides a single 120V 15A circuit which is mostly idle. Are there any negative aspects to leaving the inverter on all the time or should I be flipping the on/off switch only when I need it to? Does leaving the inverter reduce its lifespan or is it just a small waste of power? I will appreciate your comments.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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vanlife3d avatar image vanlife3d commented ·

Please note that the Multiplus is an older unit, not the Multiplus II. The forum refused to post this question without selecting a tag and I couldn't type anything in.

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2 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

I've fixed the tag for you.

The multiplus is intended for continuous use. And a long service life.

Up to you if you turn it off or not. Mine goes off in winter to save power when solar isn't up to the job, but it's purely for power reasons. I do this with VRM, the physical switch stays on.

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vanlife3d avatar image
vanlife3d answered ·

Thank you, I suspected this but was looking for validation. It's a beautifully engineered piece of equipment.

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