
tabet avatar image
tabet asked

quattro with bsl battery

hello guys i have a question i have a quattro connected with BSL battery there are difference between the soc of the battery and the state of charge in the quattro and the quattro is not charging good due to the difference between the readings can anyone help please whatsapp-image-2024-05-14-at-203837-2573fe68.jpgwhatsapp-image-2024-05-14-at-203837-c71e4b66.jpg

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerbslbatt
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2 Answers
Fideri avatar image
Fideri answered ·


Also measure manually on the battery terminals with a meter if what is reported is correct.

On your GX device, make sure BSL (not automatic) is the selected battery monitor.

I also use a Quattro and BSL but with "automatic" selected. That always chooses BSL. Everything works normally.

I don't know how to disable the Quattro/VE.bus SOC.


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tabet avatar image tabet commented ·
thank you ill try it

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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


The Quattro's SOC isn't particularly suited to this type of battery. You should really disable it, so it can have no say in any downstream logic.

What stands out in your pics (1 min apart) is the reported difference between the 52.11V of the BSL and 58.62V of the Quattro. What's happening there?

General BSL stuff..

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tabet avatar image tabet commented ·
how can i disable the Quattro SOC?

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JohnC avatar image JohnC ♦ tabet commented ·

VEConfigure will work for all vintages of Quattro. Or try Victron Connect. These apps and their manuals all available from the Victron website.

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