
wiringocd avatar image
wiringocd asked

RV with Split Phase Shore and Single Phase Generator and 2 quattros

US Based, Running 2 48v/5000 quattro. Problem that i am running into is the coach is equipped to run 50 amp split phase shore connection. But the Generator is 2 legs of 110v Single phase.

How do i get the inverters to accept both types of input for the coach. I tried to set the inverters up for Standalone units. Bonded my neutrals and grounds for the generator to get them both into the AC IN 2.

But now when it is running the inverters Deactivate mains after 2 mins and 15 seconds to be exact. The Same thing happens when i am plugged into a 50 amp shore chord.

I have tried with the following settings turned off and on.... UPS function, Weak AC input, Dynamic Current limiter, and Ground Relay. None of these options changes the pattern of the inverter switching from mains to inverter.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
derrick thomas avatar image
derrick thomas answered ·

Depends on how your system is setup. If you are using an ATS before the inverters then use method one. If you are using both inputs 1 and 2 of the quatros then use method two. For both methods, setup the inverters in split phase configuration and disable 'switch as group'.

1) Combine both legs of the generator output at the ATS on the generator input side (only so long as the L1 wiring from the ATS to the L1 quatro is sized to carry the load). When connected to 50amp split phase, both inverters will connect and pass thru shore power. When connected to single phase shore power or generator, L1 quatro will connect to the incoming power and L2 quatro will invert.

2) Combine both legs of generator power and connect the generator to the generator input of quatro on L1. Connect shore power L1 to L1 quatro shore power input and shore power L2 to L2 quatro shore power input. Operation will be same as method 1 above.

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