
r0bb0 avatar image
r0bb0 asked

VE.Smart Syncronised charging not working entering float - Bluetooth v2.49 Bug?

Hi There!

I have a:
SmartSolar 150/70
SmartSolar 100/20
SmartShunt 500A

I run a consistent load of 11A via a non-victron inverter.
The MPPTs, and load are connected to the battery via the shunt.

All devices are on the same VE.Smart network (Bluetooth), and are within 1m of each other.

Due to the characteristics of my battery, I run a fairly low bulk/absorption voltage, and use a tail current of 5A to terminate absorption.

This has been working well until the last time I performed a firmware update.

since the update, one MPPT in the smart network (not necessarily the same one each time) does not end its absorption when the tail current reaches 5A, and instead continues in absorption for the full time limit set, while the other one patiently waits in float.

If I remove one of the MPPTs from the smart network, everything works as expected.

So, this appears to be a problem with Syncronised charging not working correctly within a bluetooth smart network. Current sence received from the shunt is not being communicated properly between the MPPTs,

Any ideas?

MPPT SmartSolarSmartShunt
2 |3000

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1 Answer
r0bb0 avatar image
r0bb0 answered ·


No ideas?

The above shows a graph where the 100/20 controller switched to float as expected, whereas the 150/70 continued in absorbtion up to the full 3 hour timeout.

The 100/20 (A060) is running firmware v1.63, Bluetooth (Rev3, A197) v2.49
The 150/70 (A06C) is running firmware v3.15, Bluetooth (Rev3, A197) v2.49

To reproduce this problem:
Update your MPPT controllers to the above firmware versions, latest (Warning: No way back for BT!)
Have Smart Shunt (or BMV) in a VE.Smart Bluetooth network with 2 Smart Solar MPPTs
Set an absorb voltage that is on the lower side for your battery chemistry.
Set a long absorb time (say, 4 hours)
Set tail current to 10A on MPPTs

I believe this to be a firmware bug, and I think it will be with the SmartSolar Bluetooth Interface v2.49 firmware.

Ha anyone else got a comparable setup that they are able to "lab" test this?

mppt-notsync.jpg (89.7 KiB)
2 |3000

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