
marcourba avatar image
marcourba asked

Min SoC without using ESS. Using PV assitant only (island system)

Hi everyone,

I was reading through all the questions about min SoC in this forum, but all of them are related to the ESS assistant.

In my case, I can't use it because my system is completely isolated from the grid. Is there any solution for my issue? Can I change any parameter on the inverter or Cerbo GX to achieve this?

I don't mind if the solution involves using Node-Red, Modbus TCP/IP, or whatever. If there is something, I'll go for it, but I have not found it by myself yet. I'm a bit of a beginner in this topic; I know a bit of Modbus, but Node-Red is completely new to me.

Thanks in advance to all of you.

SOCisland mode
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5 Answers
thomasw-1 avatar image
thomasw-1 answered ·

What does prevent you using ESS in island mode?
From my point of view it should work also there - at least what I realized during some tests.

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marcourba avatar image
marcourba answered ·

Hello Thomas,

I appreciate your response. I'm not sure if ESS can be activated in off-grid systems, but even if it can, I've read that the minimum battery state of charge only activates while there is a grid.

Correct me if I'm wrong, hopefully, because it would be the solution to the problem. The truth is, I haven't tried it because, as I had read that information, well... I haven't tried it. Here's the link where I read that:

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marcourba avatar image
marcourba answered ·

So, I'm going to install ESS on my system and see if it limits the SoC when it reaches 30%. I'll be back and say if it works. It's going to be interesting because if it works, my whole system is gonna be powered just by the sun even when battery is avalaible.

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marcourba avatar image
marcourba answered ·

I installed ESS assitant and min SoC doesn't work off-grid. It would be appreciated if anyone can give me any solution. At the moment I am thinking of turn off the inverter using modbus TCP/IP, register 33 (Switch Position), but I am not sure if it's a good solution turn off the entire system just to prevent batteries for discharging.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me.

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marcourba avatar image
marcourba answered ·

Bumping it just to get any help if possible.

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