
madmaxx avatar image
madmaxx asked

Combining a module with 33V / 11A to a BlueSolar 75/10 with a 12V battery behind?

Hello community!

What happens to the setup described in the title?
Will the bluesolar 75/10 simply limit its output to 10 Ampere or will it break?

From the Victron documentation 75 is referring to the maximum input voltage and 10 is referring to the maximum output current.

Is this an allowed setup?


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2 Answers
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

No, the BlueSolar will not break but it will limit the Charging current to 10A.

If you have a 320Wp Solarpanel, your 12V Battery will be only charged with around 140W.

If you want to use the whole power of the Solarpanel, you need the SmartSolar/BlueSolar MPPT 100/30.

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madmaxx avatar image
madmaxx answered ·

Thank you!

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