
crichmon avatar image
crichmon asked

VenusOS on RPi file system size, also summary of OS

Hi, I've installed v3.31 on an RPi 3B+ on a 64GB sd card. The only hang-up was that the root file system was tiny (1.1GB). After a bit of digging I was able to resolve this like this:

# resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2

Resulting in: /dev/root 19364936 1036732 17500808 6% /

The rest of the file systems were already using the full partition.

The other question is about finding some docs about the general differences between VenusOS and more common Linux distributions. Aside from monitoring a Smart Shunt, my goal is to also run a couple of python daemons and treat this more like a regular linux node.

Thx, Chris

Raspberry Pi
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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 commented ·

Hi @crichmon

This might be useful:

Home · victronenergy/venus Wiki · GitHub

Tonne of info on the venus os github wiki.

It's embedded linux and uses openembedded.

It has opkg as a package manager rather than apt which you might be more.

If you look under custom drivers on the wiki it gives examples of running services, lots of the drivers already run on python so that's installed, for services it doesnt use systemctl it uses daemontools. But definitely achievable.

The wiki will have more detail

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crichmon avatar image
crichmon answered ·

Thanks. I found several more interesting docs from there. Spending more time setting things up and figuring stuff out. Ended up building vim, diffutils, tcsh from source without issues. Figuring out busybox was new; explains a few things. Got ntp working with pool servers.

Thx, Chris

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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 commented ·
Far more than I've ever delved into it.

Vi/vim terrifies me (and always will). The extend of my installs in nano via opkg. Glad it's helped you in the right direction though.

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