
petercarnyx avatar image
petercarnyx asked

Solar History: Zero Yield when new batteries fitted

Hi, Unit is a SmartSolar MPPT 150V 35Amp. We have battery system set to 24VDC (2 x 12V 140AH Leisure Batteries). The batteries were connected before the solar panels. For the first 9 days the PV Yield was zero. So the batteries were discharging. Day 10, the Battery output maximum voltage dropped from 18VDC to 14VDC and it started to register a Yield. 4 days later the voltage went back over 14V and the Yield is back to zero.

Question: Is it likely that the charge controller thinks it is a 12 volt system?


smart solar charging behaviour
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1 Answer
klim8skeptic avatar image
klim8skeptic answered ·

@PeterCarnyx Question: Is it likely that the charge controller thinks it is a 12 volt system?

Possibly. Check the mppt's settings to check that is has been set to 24v battery.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

The firmware should have been updated and the system recommissioned.

This should include being programmed with the battery chemistry and correct charge voltages.

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