
simone-32 avatar image
simone-32 asked

Smart solar problem

Hi I have two smart solar mppt ve can 250/70 controllers with the controller display connected to a multplus ii gx. One connected to ve direct port and the other via ve direct to usb. Both are working but the ve direct one has "remote" stuck on the display.If I use the + or - keys the display cycles through several items such as BMS etc. I cannot return the display to be status screen. Both have a connection to the BYD BMS and checking on vrm show no errors. I would like to have both controllers showing the status screen. Thanks

smart solar set-up help
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Simone 32

On the tiles it will show a combo of the two unless you do gui mods.

The vrn will show the total and then what each is contributing.

Otherwise you just need to look at the devices list.

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simone-32 avatar image
simone-32 answered ·

Hi yes understood but why are the two displays different? And why can't I get back to the the status screen?

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