
Giovanni Chiappe avatar image
Giovanni Chiappe asked

Multiplus ii in parallel + Multiplus ii only as a charger.


I have 3 Multiplus ii 5000 in parallel + a Pylon battery bank + SmartSolar RS450 + Cerbo.

I have the grid connected in parallel to all Multiplus ii, but controlled by a relay, so I use it only when I need it. The grid power is not the best, so I want to isolate our internal energy from the grid so I wanted to add another Multiplus ii connected to the Grid and the battery bank, and disconnect the grid from the other 3 Multis. So I can turn the grid only when is needed, but the 1 Multi will charge the batteries without doing the Bypass to the internal loads.

So, no loads connected to the multi as a charger (If I can connect an AC load isolated from the other Multis, will be nice, so I can have an extra power, but my main request is about isolate the external grid).

Thanks for your support,

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1 Answer
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

You can do that, but the current system can not communicate with the extra multi as a charger

Why an extra charger if your currunt system can already do it al (use ESS and let it charge and use from grid only when needed)

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Giovanni Chiappe avatar image Giovanni Chiappe commented ·
Thanks for your answer.

But using ESS any way to isolate the grid energy to the AC load? Because when we do that, when we are charging the batteries with the grid, the AC load voltage is also the grid voltage. When we connect the grid, due the distance and bad grid connection (something out of our hands), the grid voltage is unstable. So we want to keep having the Victron AC output quality.

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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL Giovanni Chiappe commented ·
I see, but the problem is, the pylontech bms cant communicate with the system and the extra multi as charger, so would be difficult to get the batterys charged the way they want (the pylontech bms is in charge of charging settings)

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Giovanni Chiappe avatar image Giovanni Chiappe Duivert NL commented ·

As my understand, if Victron don't have any configuration where they connect like that, the Pylon BMS will not works as it will see like two systems?

Any other battery charger that I can connect to the system? I wanted also to connect wind turbines to the system. Will be the same issue?


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