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ripnc asked

Multi 2x120 L1 overload at 1,900 watts with less than 2k total watts?

Multi II 12v 2x120 3kva L1 overload at 1,900 watts with less than 2k total watts when inverting. I don't know if the 2x120 is looking for more balanced load or what. I have 1 of my AC units on a relay that activates on loss of shorepower, so the load isn't balanced but still less than 2k watts. Is there a fix for this? If I move load in the panel I'll be unbalanced when shorepower present (I only have 4-5 high wattage loads).

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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

You will need to expand a bit more on your system.

What are the loads? Some may have startup surges. AC compressors that are not an inverter type are prime offenders.

What is your battery setup? Batteries can also trigger overload issues.

Where is the system installed and what is the ambient temp? Inverters derate from 25C internal temp.

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ripnc avatar image ripnc commented ·

RV AC and residential fridge. ACs have soft starts. L1 +/- 1.9kw and L2 less than 100 watts at alarm. 800Ah of LiFePO4 batts.

Edit: If fridge not running I am able to run both AC units off of the MP -total load stays under 2.5kw. I trigger a relay to kill power to AC (on L2) to prevent overload and that works fine. This overload happened at 1,972 watts on L1 and 93 watts on L2. I see no spikes above the 1,972 at time of overload alarm.

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