
shane bourgeois avatar image
shane bourgeois asked

not working? VE.Direct library for Arduino

hello in the past ive set up 3 of units esp8266 with Victron Energy SmartSolar MPPT 100V 20 amp 48-Volt.

I have a new unit here tryingto pull information and i cant seam to get anything.
Anyone else have issues with the library or maybe its the newfirmware for the MTTP100/20?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
@shane bourgeois

Moved to modifications forum. More chance of an answer.

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shane bourgeois avatar image shane bourgeois kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you

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Hi @shane bourgeois

Which library are you using? Do you have a link to the code? I am wondering whether the library is able to handle VE.Hex messages coming directly after the VE.Direct text frames.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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shane bourgeois avatar image shane bourgeois Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ commented ·

Im using the "VeDirectFrameHandler.h" from
for my test code i had been using

I really like biozor code from Sep 07 2023
Thank you for your help!

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1 Answer
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·

Hi @shane bourgeois

You need to make sure that the hexRxEvent function only returns true when inbyte == '\n':

bool VeDirectFrameHandler::hexRxEvent(uint8_t inbyte) {
  return inbyte == '\n'; // stubbed out for future

Otherwise there might be problem with hex messages that are transmitted immediately after a text frame.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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shane bourgeois avatar image shane bourgeois commented ·
sadly no change in result
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Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) ♦ shane bourgeois commented ·

Hi @shane bourgeois,

Can you give a zip file with all the code?

And can you give a dump of all the raw byte values that the esp is receiving?

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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