
winginit avatar image
winginit asked

Basic, lightweight VE.Direct reading library for Arduino

I developed this for a larger project but ended up turning into a basic library.

It provides very simple reading on VE.Direct SOC, Power, Volts, Amps.

Posted in case someone finds it useful.

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5 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Nice, thanks for sharing! I added it here:

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winginit avatar image winginit commented ·

Many thanks. Great products. Great open/ mixed source philosophy. Nice to participate and contribute something.

Brendan McLearie

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whfarms avatar image
whfarms answered ·

Has anyone ever gotten this to work. IT does not seem to ever open a serial connection for me.

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captaintactful avatar image captaintactful commented ·
I've listed the requirements I've gotten to work in the thread you created.

I started off with a windows pc, 12v battery and realterm software and the other components just to get my head round how to handle the bluesolar controller.

It is annoying the victron connect software won't let you talk to the bluesolar over a com port, which then means purchasing an overpriced victron cable. But it does give you a baseline to work from.

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winginit avatar image
winginit answered ·

Updated: cleaner code; can now read any VE.Direct stat/setting (configurable); Minimal static ram usage - uses PROGMEM for all labels etc.

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ppet avatar image ppet commented ·


I used the library successfully and expanded the labels to include some more data points from an BMV700

Thank you for sharing your work

I was however very unsuccessful modifying the library to use a SoftwareSerial port

Your library demands a Arduino mega – Too big for some cases

Can you provide some help of even better a version with Software Serial?

Thank you in advance


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cterwilliger avatar image
cterwilliger answered ·

I created a branch for this to use SoftwareSerial. Tested with ESP8266.

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Dirk avatar image
Dirk answered ·

Could this be used to read f.i. the power of a MultiPlus by connecting the arduino to a VE.Direct Port of a Venus GX?

If yes what would be the code (instead of "VE_power =;" as this would only work, in my opinion, when connecting directly to the MultiPlus)?

Or maybe the GX device is not integrated in the library?

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Dirk avatar image Dirk commented ·

Also, do I need a 5V to 3.3V serial converter or can the GX device handle the 5V from the arduino?

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Related Resources

VE.Direct protocol FAQ

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic