
cms avatar image
cms asked

XS-50 turn on?

I have an IP 65 10A that charge# my start battery and the XS-50 charges my LFP bank. obviously

I only want the XS 50 charging LFP when the 100A alt is running. Should I disable engine detection and use H or L from engine ignition To avoid the XS 50 from trying to pull 50A from a 10A charger?

orion xs
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3 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

That would work, or otherwise you could turn down the charge voltage of your IP65 charger and turn up the turn-on voltage of the Orion XS. IE, set your IP65 to charge at 13.8v and set your Orion XS to not turn on until 14.1v, or something similar.

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cybermaus avatar image
cybermaus answered ·

Its what I just did: Because I had a alternator D+, I disabled the detection, and connected the D+ to the H line. You mention "ignition" but be careful, it should be at 12V only when the alternator is running, not merely when the ignition key is turned. Otherwise you better keep the engine detection.

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alnavasa avatar image
alnavasa answered ·

I am on the same situation, Is it possible to combine both? or does it auto detect when battery is low, for example, d+ wire to h pin, and engine on Idle, it will produce low amps, like 20, so Xs trying to pulls 50 amps will drain starter battery, does XS detect that the starter battery is getting drained even if auto detect is of and d+ pin is high?

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