
Steve Mullins avatar image
Steve Mullins asked

BMV 700 reports incorrect 100% SOC

My BMV700 was reporting 89% SOC on my 4-100ah Battleborn batteries before I disconnected all electrical systems for some minor changes to my jack. No wiring changes were made. After reconnecting all power, the BMV report d 100%SOC with 13.3 volts. Does the BMV need to be reset somehow?

BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
ben avatar image
ben answered ·

I'm pretty sure when you remove power from a BMV it reboots at 100%.

So, no. Just give your batteries one charge back to full whenever you get around to it, and it will be back to working normally again.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

That's correct, if you disconnect the power the BMV will start at 100% after reconnecting. You have to make a full charge and the SOC should be correct then.

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Steve Mullins avatar image
Steve Mullins answered ·

Thanks for the confirmation. I was thinking that is what was happening..

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