
harlekyn avatar image
harlekyn asked

Sending overflow upstream

Good day

I live in South Africa. I have a property with a municipal prepaid electricity meter on the electricity coming in.

In the property there are 2 houses. The one house has the following system

MPPT 150/70-TR VE.Can

MPPT 150/70-MC4

Cerbo GX

MultiPlus-II 48v 5000va 70amp

Pylontech batteries

Solar panals

During the day my solar panels generate more electricity than the house use. I would like to set my inverter to send electricity upstream so that the other house may use it.

But i need a device before the prepaid meter to block the flow so that it does not go through the prepaid meter as the prepaid meter is bidirectional. I "pay" for electricity even if I am sending it back to the grid in the same way as if I were drawing it from the grid.

I need some kind of grid limiter which only allow me to internally use the access elegtricity in my own mico "grid".

Hope this makes sense and somebody can advice me what I need.

feed-in limitgrid parallelmicrogrid
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

All you need is a grid meter after the prepaid meter that measures both house grid loads. The system will then backfeed only what is consumed in front of the inverter.

The challenge is that the exporting of power is not always fast to respond, so there always is some power that will leak back and cause prepaid meters either to cutoff or record power, though not a lot relative to what you are saving.

There really isn't any way around it, short of disconnecting the grid and that would prevent exporting.

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