
matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 asked

Help diagnosing lower ESS system output/grid usage

Hi Folks,

I've got a system here that appears to work as normal however the owner has noticed that only recently the multiplus ii 10kva seems to draw from the grid when loads are above circ 6000w.

The owner has said they were messing with node red and accidentally sent some values to the wrong nodes when trying to find the grid setpoint node. They're not sure if that's the cause but they cannot find the node.

My question is any guesses of what node that might be to cause discharge/output limits on an ESS system. And if not is there a way to reset all values, would a assistant reinstall solve this or does cerbo need reset?

ESSNode-REDess settings
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You dont have an old back up before the edit? Just reload that guy and re-deploy?

Potentially you could delete all the flows, then use the GX to get the grid set point back again like a normal user would. (Possibly Grid set point, input current limit, limit inverter power)

Failing that then a firmware reset.

It is a question of how much time you want to spend on it.

2 |3000

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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 commented ·
Unfortunately not (I wasn't original installer so have nothing before change).

Firmware reset of mutliplus or cerbo or both, I couldnt decide where data was likely stored to persist?

All nodes have been removed however the owner said "nothing changed" when they posted the value in node red originally so they just moved on.... Which made me think it was something obscure/not used very often for it to not be easily visible. I was guessing maybe one of the older hub4 settings but i couldnt spot anything.

Will be a pain to reset up system but that sounds like my only option.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ matt1309 commented ·

I always find it less painful to reset up than trying to find the elusive problem.

Bit of a thing if there are complex flows though.

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