
goahead avatar image
goahead asked

Do I really need to connect AC out2 Multiplus II GX?

I want to charge and use battery only when grid is connected using CT clamp.
No backup loads, just use the inverter connected to same circuit that comes from grid.
With CT clamp I want to charge battery when I have 230V going out to grid (excess solar) and use battery till 20% of discharge, when there is not enough being produced.

The question is:
Do I need to connect ACout2, since ACIn will be already connected to ACout2 when grid is present- it should be biderectional?

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4 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

If you dont need ac out 2 (or 1) then you can leave it disconnected

what pv do you have? Grid inverter or DC mppt?

If grid inverter, where is it connected to?

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goahead avatar image
goahead answered ·

Curently have one microinverter. So the battery will be charged from AC.

But I am planing on adding a smartsolar charger mppt with more solar panels, in this case, connected directly to the battery.

I will need both parts, microinverter producing AC and mppt charger DC working together to charge the battery. multiplus II and smartsolar linked with and working together.

At least in my mind it should work.

Do you agree?

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goahead avatar image
goahead answered ·

After everything is installed, I hope to have this:1713618546349.png
Multiplus must be able to charge battery from excess AC at same time of smartcharger.
At same time it will manage AC demand from loads till its 3000VA limit and 20% battery state of charge.
Multiplus II and smartsolar charger will be connected with

I know I am saying the same over and over.
Just want to be sure this will work like drawing above, only using ACIN from Multiplus.


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Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

Yes it will work, best is to connect pv ac on multiplus ac out 1 if you can, then solar will always work even if grid is lost!

Ac pv connected on ac in side of multiplus is also possible

For better use of ac pv (on ac in or out) use a meter like the ET112

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goahead avatar image goahead commented ·

Didnt think about connecting microinverter to ACout1 as I thought that inverter would only charge battery from ACin , when it detects grid connection.

But if that works, then this is something to consider for sure.

I currently have a Shelly EM dual, with one CT clamp in Grid side and the other in Microinverter out, so I can monitor solar generation and grid usage at same time.
Also using home Assistant.

I know I can use a RPI with VenusOS and make those CTs available in VRM, but if possible I would prefer just selecting then by IP inside Multiplus II GX.

Any chance I can do this?
p.s. - asking all this questions cause I still didnt power up de multiplus neither connected to it. Still waiting for the battery eheheh.



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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL goahead commented ·

No the multiplus can charge from DC PV and AC PV on ac out 1 and 2 or ac in with a pv meter installed, DC is more efficient

you can install a pv assistant or you can setup ESS, you allready have a multiplus 2 GX so thats all you need to control the system, no need for a pi

however there is a victron integration for homeassistant so it can also monitor and control stuff from there

Take a look at this manual on ess and how to set that up:

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