
d4h-ottmar avatar image
d4h-ottmar asked

(Obsolete, changed to github) Node-Red Node = Victron-vrm-api Q&A (especially @ Dirk-Jan Faber)

Hi Dirk-Jan, hi Guys,

i want to discuss some possible bugs and extensions of the node Victron-vrm-api. First, is this the right place/platform, or does it make sense to use Github?

Generally it works, but i detected some weird data und limitations to parameterize.

Let me know

Thanks Ottmar

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

@d4h Ottmar

Post in the node red dedicated space here.

Git hub also would be a good space

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d4h-ottmar avatar image d4h-ottmar Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Thanks Alexandra,

this was my goal starting the post, but i haven't found a way to achieve this directly. Can you give me a hint?

Is it moved already?

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d4h-ottmar avatar image d4h-ottmar Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
okay, will use it further and mark this post as obsolete
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1 Answer
d4h-ottmar avatar image
d4h-ottmar answered ·

Okay, even to have no response so far, i will try to start with my questions:

Using attribute="installations stats", attribute="Solar direct use" and Interval="years" the start field can be defined to "- 1 week" only.

This delivers the total of one week not the total of a year.

Same behavior with e.g.attribute="Solar to battery"

Any ideas?

Maybe i'am way to early because node version is v. 0.2.1

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