
cyril-normandie avatar image
cyril-normandie asked

Tri phase installation with 1x Multiplus2 8k and 2x multiplus2 5k


Following the sale of my previous house, I had to cancel my photovoltaic project (adding a battery and "autonomous" capacity to an existing installation). The company I had commissioned requires me to take back some of the equipment that they will not reuse. So, I have a Victron Multiplus 2 48-8000-100-110 and a Cerbo GX in my possession.

I have moved into a three-phase house and I intend to purchase equipment to install a ground-mounted photovoltaic 7-8kW system (with identical panel orientation and without shading), complementing the equipment I already have. Therefore, I assume I need to add 2 additional Multiplus 2 units. I have considered converting the house to single phase, but it is not reasonable.


  1. Am I required to purchase 2 additional Multiplus units identical to the first one, or would it work if I buy 2 Multiplus 2 units at 5kW? (There is a significant price difference between 5 and 8 kW)
  2. Do you have any advice on the configuration to be implemented?

Thank you in advance for your advice and information.

Multiplus-IImultipluss ii
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

hi, see:

so, no its not possible to combine a 8k with 5k's,

also if your 8k is to old newer one's might not match!

2 |3000

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cyril-normandie avatar image cyril-normandie commented ·
Thanks it is confirming what I am afraid of. I will probably loose money here :-(
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cyril-normandie avatar image cyril-normandie cyril-normandie commented ·
My Mutliplus 2 48-8000 is from mid 2022 - Do you believe new ones will not work with that one?
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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL cyril-normandie commented ·
They probably will work ok, best is to ask your victron dealer if its the same hardware revision

Mine are also from different years (2020 and 2022) and work ok!

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