
Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack asked

Controll a VE.Direct device or similar from VenusOS?

Good day,

currently I develop a new device for my farm using an ESP32 module which is using the VE.Direct protocol and like to know, if someone has a code how to send data from the VenusOS over VE.Direkt to the device.

I want to stream the data ("Maximum Power allowed" and "current Output Power") as streaming TXT data over the VE.Direct bus and receive data to set the "currentOutput Power" maybe a HEX. (it would be the same as for the SmartSolar/BlueSolar)

Note: It is something similar to the Fronius Ohmpilot but in DC version.

With this, I have not more to relay on an a fixed Power Output (if battery become full and I have not enough consumer running), but can regulate a resistive load up to 100A by PWM based on the Data from VenusOS and the MPPTs , SmartShunts (as EnergyMeter for Windmills/Hydrogenerator).

Thanks in advance and a nice day


P.S.: My second project is a "SmartHydro MPPT 250/100-Tr VE.Can" and no, no Windmill support because the MPPTs already exist (WindMax from Schams Solar/Elektronik).

VE.Directcodeexternal device
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