
mikepail avatar image
mikepail asked

Venus OS 3.20 MFD App - Display power in watts instead of current?

The new MFD integration is beautiful, but information being displayed in current vs watts hurts my head. Any ability to add the option to switch to watts? Or is this already there and I just don’t see it?


marine mfd appgui-v2
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3 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @MikePail

I agree, hurts my head too. There's no option to change it. On the day the new app was introduced I raised this very point with mvader (CEO), who suggested that it could be changed but we await feedback. And I've seen no feedback here at all since then.. except yours - thanks.

So if there's anyone else out there who has something to say, please offer it up, either way, and on any aspect of the MFD app, and I'll 'reapply' for consideration.

Another I have - The big green SOC circle I'd prefer to have it's zero point based on Discharge Floor rather than Zero SOC. Just me.

For any unaware of what we're talking about (and you have a GX device/ LAN), type "venus.local/app" in a browser. Hidden gem..

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Martin (Victron Energy) avatar image
Martin (Victron Energy) answered ·

This is coming, but I don't have a timeline. The new gui will have a similar setting to toggle between A and W. The idea is to use this same setting for the marine MFD app.

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jbat avatar image
jbat answered ·

Yes please!!!

I love the old MFD, and the new one is even better, BUT it hurt my brain, having mixed watts and amps. IMHO, since we are dealing with 120/240 VAC, and 12/24/48 VDC, having to do the math in your head is a pain... With everything in Watts, it all makes sense. But some folks like Jelly and some Like Peanut Butter, so it would be good to be able to have the MFD and the main screen be configurable.

Maybe selections between
[ ] Amps
[ ] Watts
[ ] Auto... Like it is now, where it is mixed.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
There will always be mixed cases (watts displayed in places and amps another). The reason is that in some cases, it is not possible to add amps together. For example when PV production includes AC and DC sources, amps for the AC sources are vastly different than for the DC sources. In cases like this watts will aways be displayed regardless of the user preference.
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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru Kevin Windrem commented ·
Indeed, but the general consensus is that it is better Watts all around.

So you explanation is just supporting that, thanks.

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