
nav-sandhu avatar image
nav-sandhu asked

Aux Battery voltage

Hi has any one manged to find out or actually succeeded to show the aux battery voltage on main pages display ?

Venus OS v3.00-32
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1 Answer
ako avatar image
ako answered ·

If you mean like this example then yes but possibly you mean something else .


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nav-sandhu avatar image nav-sandhu commented ·
Hi thanks for reply but I mean on the overview on touchscreen not vrm
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klafollette avatar image klafollette commented ·

I'm struggling to get the aux voltage from Smartshunt to show on the VRM main dashboard, like you have in your screenshot. I can see the value in the VRM Advanced page. I've have seen a couple posts with people showing it displayed on the VRM dashboard, but hasn't been an explanation how to get it there.

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Related Resources

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

Venus OS v3.00 – Generator start/stop improvements, ESS Peak shaving