
steffenkecke avatar image
steffenkecke asked

My new Blue Smart IP67 turns off after a few minutes after connecting to 23V Power. Is it broken or turned off when it is too hot?

I can see the Blue Smart in the app until it turns off. It shows the correct voltage, but 0 A current flow.

And I can repeat the process.

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4 Answers
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @SteffenKecke

What exactly have you connected (battery? AC input? both?) and what is displaying on the app?

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steffenkecke avatar image
steffenkecke answered ·

Hi, Daniel,

I connected an 24V/100Ah AGM-battery-Pack. I use it for a trolling motor on my sailboat. The app displayes the correct voltage of 25.5 Volt, but 0 Ampere current. After about 3 minutes the app lost the connection because the device turned off.

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This is with AC connected?

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steffenkecke avatar image
steffenkecke answered ·


I connected both the battery and die AC input. The app displayed the first phase of charging with about 25,5 V voltage and 0 A current. The battery monitor (also Victron)displayed the same voltage. So I thought that all is ok.

If I disconnected and one more connected the AC the same procedure started. I tried it about 5 times with the same result.

Tomorrow I'm going to call the company if they ca help me.

Best regards Steffen

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steffenkecke avatar image
steffenkecke answered ·


I connected both the battery as well as the AC input.
The app displayed the the beginning of charging process (absorbtion) with about 25,5 V and 0 Ampere current. That surprised me.

I repeated the process 5 times with the same result: After about 2-3 minutes the charger turned completely off.

best regards Steffen

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Please check if the fuse to the battery is intact, thus the battery well connected to the charger.

Ask an electrician if your not sure.

If all is well, then the unit might be broken if so, please contact the supplier of the unit for a replacement.

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