
zonnigbreda avatar image
zonnigbreda asked

Dynamic ESS time difference (summertime bug?)

There appears to be a difference in the timing of the dynamic ESS prices.

This is what the site is providing


On the vrm page however, seems the rate is offset by 2 hours.

Seems to me like a bug in the system. (note GX has right timezone set)


note: the prices on the zonneplan site are aligned to the published prices at the


dynamic ess
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1 Answer
meez avatar image
meez answered ·

I've noticed the same problem. The battery is being charged an hour late. It does indeed look like a time problem in the script of the Cerbo GX. The Cerbo GX itself shows the correct time and my location is also indicated correctly on the Dashboard. But later, when the prices have reached their lowest point, the battery will immediately be fed back into the grid. E.a. doesn't seem correct to me. See graph.dyness-time.jpg

dyness-time.jpg (282.9 KiB)
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