
kpvickys avatar image
kpvickys asked

How long should I press the reset button for a complete reset on the Multiplus2 GX?

20240330-171031.jpgI've tried 6-10 seconds but nothing happens except that the display goes out until I release the reset button. When I then check with MK3, nothing has changed.
multplus 2 gx
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kpvickys avatar image kpvickys commented ·
If I then do a factory reset, I have to update the firmware and there I read a warning according to the attached picture. What does this mean for a Muli with built-in GX, how do I supply it with power?varningstextuppdatemultingx.jpg
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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL kpvickys commented ·
i cant read your picture - don't speak the language, but just power it as you normally use it
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kpvickys avatar image kpvickys kpvickys commented ·
Warning text translated in my English from the picture
It is not possible to update the VE-Bus BMS and Digital Multicontrol connected to 
the VE.Bus Network
Error 734. will be shown
To remotely update such systems, disconnect the RJ45 connection temporarily. NOTE 
the inverter will shut down when doing so and it may be necessary to provide an 
alternate power source to the GX unit as it will lose power. 
Warning text before that
Confirm that the GX unit is not receiving power from the inverter.
In order to be able to remotely update the firmware on the VE.Bus system, it is important that the GX unit is not supplied with power from the inverter.
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1 Answer
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

hi, the reset button is only for restarting the GX module inside the multiplus

for factory reset you have a few options:

load new firmware

use the default option in VE config

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kpvickys avatar image kpvickys commented ·
I now have access to Remote control again. Thanks
I change the text on the picture later.
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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL kpvickys commented ·
you're welcome!
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