
delusional112 avatar image
delusional112 asked

DESS - Strange readings AC-loads

As of today I get some strange readings when DESS sells power to the grid.

It looks like it counts the wattage to the AC-load instead of Net. When I stop DESS, the readings are normal usage of the house. When I activate DESS again, it starts selling and the readings go off again. Already rebooted everything, even the EM24. But didn’t help.

Anyone an idea what can cause this?

Thanks in advance



dynamic ess
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1 Answer
delusional112 avatar image
delusional112 answered ·

Got an update after some troubleshooting.

Because of the misreadings I looked some closer to the EM24. I noticed that it was reading the phases as L1-L3-L2.


So I did the following. I switched off all three mainfuses and start measuring the L1-L2-L3 socket on the EM24. After switching fase 2 and 3 the EM24 reads them in the correct order, but the fysical connection is still wrong.


I measured the phases on the Multiplussen and made sure they are in the order of 1,2 and 3. Reprogrammed them in the correct order and send ‘all settings’ to them.

The problem of the strange readings are fixed.


But what the hell is wrong with my phases? :) And what should be leading on the EM24? The readings in the display or the physical connections. So picture 1 or 2?

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