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milesl asked

Orion-Tr 24/12 isolated DC-DC converter remote on via 12v ACC input

I have a 24v battery system in a 2002 Chevy Tahoe. I want the Orion-Tr 24/12 to power 12v accessories only while the vehicle is running. The instructions say to connect the vehicle 12v switched accessory wire to the remote+ to accomplish this. That does not work. I think the instruction booklet is assuming you are running an Orion-Tr 12/XX since that would have the reference 12v ground to make use of the 12v+ ACC input on the remote+ port.

I tried connecting the 12v ground to the remote- port with the 12v+ ACC wire connected to the remote+ port. However, this immediately powers on the unit, even with the vehicle off.

How can I use a 12v switched accessory input to control an Orion-Tr 24/12? Do I need to wire up a separate relay to accomplish this?

Orion DC-DC Converters not smart
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