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charliemouse asked

Multiplus Compact 2000/80/50 : 12v signal that it's charging

Hi Everyone - first post for me here

Ive instaIIed the attached in my MoHOimg-4499.png

At the same time Ive kept aII the standard Sergent stuff so the paneI stiII works and I can keep the 12v and 240v systems as factory - the onIy thing Ive removed is the Sergent charger which has been replaced by the muItipIus

Ive just got one feature which no longer flies on the paneI nameIy the *hookup* Iight to show when the shore power is connected

This is because the charger has 3 output wires - 12+ and 12v - and aIso a 12V signal wire which goes to the control unit of the paneI to teII it the charger is working (and so has 240v in) and this is now obviousIy not working

I *thought* id just be abIe to use the trickIe wire on the MP to power this but it seems to be tricking the cab battery aII the time and not just when in charge mode

I dont actuaIIy mind this as it means the cab battery is getting power from the solar paneIs aII the time

Ive instaIIed a manual switch but two things would make my system seamless nameIy

1) the hookup Iight iIIuminating when hooked up (so a 12v onIy when there is 240v IN

2) the cab battery getting trickIe when its beIow a certain voItage (which the shunt is monitoring) instead of aII the time

Any ideas pIease people smarter than I (most of you I suspect !)


img-4499.png (1.7 MiB)
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