
cabezonbd avatar image
cabezonbd asked

Overload Error Condition

I have looked through posts on this forum but wanted to ask the experts before I proceed with the warranty process. I fear I am dealing with a hardware issue. I have a Multiplus 2 less than 4 months old. It was working as expected and I was learning different aspects of my Victron system. One morning the MP2 showed the Overload condition via the front panel LED. No matter what I did, i could not recover from that error condition. The AC pass through does not work, the charger does not work, nor does the inverter. I connected a Mk3 interface and reset all parameters to default not still the overload condition exists. Any suggestions? My system is 4 200Ah smart batteries, Lynx 500 BMS, Cerbo with GX50 display, 2 Mppt 100/30, SBP. Please help if possible.

Multiplus-IIpre rma
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·
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peter79 avatar image
peter79 answered ·

I had 3 multiplus units and same behaviour like you describe. The most important fact to remember is that led named "overload" is lit on "unknown error" condition (real description should be unknown error - but it will look bad so Victron decided to use "overload" instead ;-) )!

Have tried lot of attempts, resets, software updates, config changes, older firmwares, separate setups, 3 phase, 1phase parallel... nothing worked. Replacement unit does not like the 2 original units and refused to cooperate. Because I live in area where Victrons are not supported I have replaced for another company.

Still I belive Victrons are good products and would like to return to them, but without support it is very difficult to maintain in running state. And I'm really unhappy about this 'caption magic' when "unknown error" light is titled as "overload".

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