
Máté Őry avatar image
Máté Őry asked

Reboot Cerbo remotely

I've updated my cerbo remotely, and while it seems to work nice, I can't access the console or ssh. I can't log in via ssh because nothing recovers my ssh key after the update. I can't use the remote console over lan because it has to be enabled after the update. The remote console in vrm doesn't seem to work either (keeps "Connecting...") but other vrm features do. I have signalk/nodered, so I can run shell commands as the signalk user but didn't find a way to break out of it. I've successfully set /Settings/System/VncLocal=1, but it doesn't apply without a reboot.

Any idea about how to get in or at least to trigger a reboot without ssh and vnc access, or how to fix the remote console? My only solution would be to power cycle the device when I get to there next weekend.

Venus OSreboot
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1 Answer
Máté Őry avatar image
Máté Őry answered ·

I managed to get in by running these shell commands through a nodered exec:

dbus -y com.victronenergy.settings /Settings/System/VncLocal SetValue 1
dbus -y com.victronenergy.platform /Device/Reboot SetValue 1

The latter one seems to be new and made for the next-gen gui. I didn't find any public references other than the readme and the code.

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outsourcedguru avatar image outsourcedguru commented ·

If you do this command a lot remotely, you might consider adding an alias in that Linux user's...


...or similar file. You'd add a line like...

alias reboot='dbus -y com.victronenergy.platform /Device/Reboot SetValue 1'

You'd then logout/login so that this alias is then active (easiest way). Then you could then simply run reboot from the command line.

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