
pvphilipp avatar image
pvphilipp asked

Multiplus 2 GX all time "Wait..." in the display

We build a 48 Voltage system with this components:

Multiplus II GX 48/3000/35-32 230V

MPPT 150 I 60 TR

BMV 702 Monitor

Solarpanels 375W, 41V

The system was ready and the next day show display all time "Wait...".

What we have testing:

- Updated Firmware/Software

- Restarted and Reseting the system

- We unplugged the Cables

Who can help here? What further steps would you take to fix the error? Has anyone encountered the same error?


Thanks for the help & have a nice weekend

Multiplus-IImultplus 2 gx
2 |3000

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1 Answer
tklaos avatar image
tklaos answered ·

Please update how you solve it.
We have same problem.

2 |3000

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