
johanvanr avatar image
johanvanr asked

What is the maximum SmartShunt *peak* current?

Asked in a different way: What is the maximum allowed voltage drop across a SmartShunt to prevent SmartShunt internal measurement circuit damage? For example, the 500A version should allow 50mV (positive or negative) voltage drop, but what is the maximum, possibly expressed as a function of the pulse duration? Such pulses can be caused by inrush currents and shorts.

Related to the main question: Is the smartshunt rated by continuous or peak current? The specsheet nor manual mentions this.

SmartShuntcurrent limit
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3 Answers
Nev avatar image
Nev answered ·

Our Victron 500A SmartShunt and Junctek battery monitor shunt are series added to a 300Ah 4 cell LiFePO4 battery that both powers the motorhome and starts the truck 3.9l turbo diesel engine often several times a day have survived a few years of fulltime travel undamaged and still look like new.

The "Peak" currents involved:


1000118323.jpg (87.1 KiB)
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2 |3000

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alanmcr avatar image alanmcr commented ·
Are you able to get a meaningful current trace for the starting cycle, including the glow plug phase?
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chrispi avatar image
chrispi answered ·

A shunt is a simple resistor so short peaks can be easily more then 1000A. It's just getting hot and also introducing this heat into your installation and the measuring board, that's it. The electronic attached just measures the voltage difference and tells you the current and this would be destroyed if getting past 60 degrees celicius for a longer periode of time I would assume.

A 500A shunt is normally made for 350A constant permanent current means 24/7/365 and around 15-20min for 500A continious current till you hit around 50 degrees Celsius of the shunt.

I pulled 600A over the 500A BMV712 for a approx 10min and was no problem but shunt got seriously hot in the last 2-3min so I expect that's about the limit and maybe 700 for 5min.

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dc-marine avatar image dc-marine commented ·
I had an installation using a BMV-700 for a bow thruster battery bank going over 750a on the 500a shunt, no problem. Only a few seconds at the time.
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johanvanr avatar image
johanvanr answered ·

Update: I just sent 7800A for 0.5ms through a 500A SmartShunt and it worked fine afterwards.

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Al avatar image Al commented ·
How did you do that!?
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