
szdan avatar image
szdan asked

VRM Portal displays bad infomation when EV charger present

Hi everyone.

Have a quick question. Maybe already answered but out on the road and mobile app not very search friendly.

When EV charger is present and charging car the AC out also increases, even though there is no AC load. Is this a UI bug or can anyone explain what the logic is as the inputs do not add up with outputs on portal:


ev charger
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5 Answers
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi, thanks! We will check why sometimes is displayed like this, EVCS should be connected on the load tile.

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szdan avatar image szdan commented ·
Multumesc Lucian.

Heard some in Victron community saying this is expected, that EV charger will always show on AC load. It makes no sense however as in this case I would expect AC load value to be higher than EV charger, not other way around. Surely this cannot be the answer as it would be terrible UX for all EV users.

Thanks for looking into it!


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The "meter" inside the EVCS is not very precise. The AC voltage is not measured, the power factor is unknown, etc. On some old vehicles, the power factor is way below 1, so the calculated power displayed by the EVCS will be wrong (Renault ZOE is an example) What vehicle model are you charging?

Another thing, you can calibrate the power measurement. Please check the setting/general webpage of the EVCS.

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szdan avatar image szdan Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks for info. It is an Audi Etron Q50.

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szdan avatar image szdan commented ·
Hi Lucian. Have you heard anything back? Else should I log a bug report through dealer? I find it weird nobody noticed or has not reported this UI issue. Should be fairly straight forward to substract the EV load from AC load and display it accordingly.
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Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Can you make sure bot EVCS and GX are updated to the latest version? If I remember correctly, this issue was fixed a while ago. If your devices are updated, please email me with the VRM portal ID of your system, so I can have a look.

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szdan avatar image szdan commented ·
Yes, they are both updated. Thanks for your response on this. WIll email you the portal ID and add you with access. Merci fain!
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d4h-ottmar avatar image
d4h-ottmar answered ·


kind of strange! just to be sure and rule it out: what is your configured ev charger position within evcs setup? And - how/where is it physical connected?

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szdan avatar image szdan commented ·

the EV charger is conected on AC OUT. AC OUT is feeding the main fuse box, where the EV station has a dedicated breaker.

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d4h-ottmar avatar image d4h-ottmar szdan commented ·

okay, but what is configured/selected on evcs (device) - settings - general - charger - ev charger position?

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dognose avatar image
dognose answered ·

Two things:
From what I see, the readings of the EV Box are "strange":
It displays 5587 Watts, but 6 Amps... 6 Amps on 3 phases would just be 4320 Watts.
So, that's a difference of 1267 that "go somewhere" (and somewhere is usually "the AC Loads")

Second, when charging batteries, VRM usually shows the Power on the DC Side (that is hitting the battery) and the difference between AC-Power and DC-Power (loss) is added to AC-Loads. Well, not added explicit, it's a mathematical thing that this loss is an AC-Load.

Maybe the same happens for the EV-Charger? When charging with 6 Amps / 4320 Watts, having about 1267 Watts of loss is not uncommon. These losses are not only due to resistances of wiring and converting losses, the whole EV is in operation, cooling, monitoring, consuming quite a big portion of the energy that it leeches from the wallbox.

Question is, how much your AC Load increased while charging?

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szdan avatar image szdan commented ·
Hi there. On avarage apx 1kw. However, the UI is not right displaying both AC and EV consumption. Was advised by some staff here this will be addressed in future release on VRM. Will check in on that also.
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szdan avatar image
szdan answered ·

@Lucian Popescu (Victron Energy Staff) @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) - Sorry to bother you. Will there be a VRM release to fix this wierd UI format?

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I thought it was fixed, can you share a picture or explain what the isue is?
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