
habie avatar image
habie asked

Dynamic Ess shows no energy price data

I just set up an ESS with 3 multiplus inverters and a cerbo gx s.
After enabling and configuring beta.vrm and dynamic ESS I don't get any energy prices.

What could possibly go wrong? I'm contracted to Tibber NL as supplier but bare hourly market prices would be great already. Without this data Dynamic ESS won't work I suppose.

Thanks for your suggestions!

dynamic ess
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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

Hi @HaBie for beta software, please have a read of the dedicated beta topic for DESS.

Known issues are discussed there, and if you find a new one, please post it in that topic and rather don't open new questions on Q&A or modifications.

That way the dev teams can see what is going on.


Here is the link

There is also parts 1-4, which have history and show how to set it up. It requires running the beta venus OS and that it is on the latest version.

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