
xtrax38 avatar image
xtrax38 asked

Mppt charge controller 100/20

Hi, where in the settings do I change the PV voltage? I have a mppt 100/20.

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
nesswill avatar image
nesswill answered ·

Yes if no PV connected no PV voltage, see picture below/attached 1000001214.jpg

1000001214.jpg (338.5 KiB)
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xtrax38 avatar image xtrax38 commented ·

Nice one, thanks

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nesswill avatar image nesswill xtrax38 commented ·
Your welcome and good luck getting system up and running.
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xtrax38 avatar image xtrax38 nesswill commented ·
Hi sorry to be going on, the installer has missed wiring the pv but has wired the pos an negative on the load side, is this correct?
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nesswill avatar image nesswill xtrax38 commented ·
Depending if you have a load on the mttp can you trace where the wires go?
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xtrax38 avatar image xtrax38 nesswill commented ·
Yeah sorted, he placed the pv wires in load. I've moved them to pv. Thanks
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outsourcedguru avatar image outsourcedguru xtrax38 commented ·
Might be time to get a new installer. ha
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nesswill avatar image
nesswill answered ·

From the manual here suggest you have a read; Section 4.3 is specific to PV.

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xtrax38 avatar image xtrax38 commented ·
Hi thanks, but it doesn't tell me how to change settings.
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nesswill avatar image nesswill xtrax38 commented ·
PV input voltage is from 5v above battery to the MPPT max, the MPPT automatically adjusted to the PV input voltage and is not user adjustable if this is what you are referring to.
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xtrax38 avatar image xtrax38 nesswill commented ·
Ahh I see, I think the installer hasn't done this right?? There's no wires coming from the pv poss and neg, which I think is why I'm getting no ready of input from the app. Am I right in saying this? Thanks for your help
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ xtrax38 commented ·
You should have at least 4 wires to the MPPT. Two to the battery, two to the panels. Optional is load. MPPT will detect battery voltage automatically, but this can be changed in settings if needed. As said above, no settings for PV voltage. Just make sure the PV voltage does not exceed 100, no matter how cold the weather.

It does sound as if your installation is incomplete.

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