
lukeclose avatar image
lukeclose asked

VE Configure Assistant


I'm trying to set up my MPII 48/5000 to ignore AC input using Load and SOC

I've set parameters as can be seen in photo but I'm finding SOC isn't working have I missed something.multi-settings.png

VEConfigure 3
multi-settings.png (15.1 KiB)
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2 Answers
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

@LukeClose Why not use Victronconnect. So much easier ;)


1710321788489.png (333.0 KiB)
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lukeclose avatar image lukeclose commented ·
Only problem is I'm trying to do 2 things 1 is I want to keep SOC between 30% and 50% with nighttime loads, which means I can utilize solar charging through the day and 2nd is based on load demand which I can see is achievable using connect app but not SOC.
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JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·


The SOC mightn't be working the way you want because I think your logic might be backwards. In your case Relay ON means Power OFF.

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lukeclose avatar image lukeclose commented ·
I might give it a try but I would think on is relay closed/connected.
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