
Joop Weenk avatar image
Joop Weenk asked

DESS Discharging the battery

Hi All,

When the battery is charged and the charging process is stopped the battery starts to slowly discharge. Is was fully charged on sunday an know it is already discharged till 88%. The discharge current is around 2A but is means that it loses around 10-12% per day.

Anybody has an idea why this behavior occurs?


dynamic ess
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4 Answers
semlohnhoj avatar image
semlohnhoj answered ·

With no details of your setup this will be difficult to help you with.

I'm assuming whatever system you have is not making any effort to maintain your battery at full charge once it has completed the charge cycle and it's just leaking 2A internally by either using it to run itself or by inefficiencies.

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

How are you measuring charge?

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Joop Weenk avatar image
Joop Weenk answered ·

The system is controlled by a Cerbo GX and configured as dynamic ESS. The charge is given by the BMS of the Pylontech batteries. As soon as the charging periode is over it starts to discharge. I can nog see the reason for this.

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nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

@Joop Weenk DESS is beta functionality, problems are to be expected.

If you are going to use beta software, please read the dedicated topic in the modifications section, and if you question is not already answered, please only post it there. Thanks.

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