
George Younes avatar image
George Younes asked

Huge Discrepancy between solar produced and power consumption

i have a huge discrepancy from what is Input and what is consumed. the total of the sources are as per below 1,304.8, whereas what is consumed is 1,073 kw.

Is that normal?

my setup is Quattro Victron 48/5000/70-2x100 v510, Cerbo GX v3.22, Smart Solar MPPT VE.Can 250/100 rev2 v3.14.

Batteries are 24 x Sunlight SOPzS 965 PB (2V x 24 batteries)

any idea?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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5 Answers
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

DC to AC conversion is not 1:1, there are losses so anywhere around 20% depending on your environment. Looks normal.

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Jason - UK avatar image
Jason - UK answered ·

@George Younes On my Multiplus II 5 kva, it get about 11% losses from DC to AC. With your system, depending on the power factor of the connected equipment that will make a noterbale differents to your reading as well as temperature, cable sizes, etc. . If you add in the losses from powering the Quattro as well as the MPPT's as well, you wont be far different to what you see in your VRM.

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George Younes avatar image
George Younes answered ·

so 30% loss is normal? in short if i dont generate solar and i am taking power from Grid then i am paying 30% more?

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

It is physics, the inverter can't change those dynamics.

If loads are predominantly AC and by day, then PV inverters can be more efficient, but converting from one to another has losses and is affected by your loads.

On mine, it is exactly 10%.

Are there any DC loads?

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Fideri avatar image Fideri commented ·
To test, disconnect virtually all AC loads.


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George Younes avatar image
George Younes answered ·

mostly they are AC loads, fridge and pump. all other loads are LED base such as lights and TVs. some access points. nothing else special.

what strikes me is the 30%. i am aware there is a loss factor, though never thought that much.

if the batteries were different, will that matter?

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

So if there are DC loads, that isn't in consumption, nor is the 25kWh per month the inverter consumes.

What does the consumption dashboard show you?

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George Younes avatar image George Younes nickdb ♦♦ commented ·
so to understand clearly. DC loads dont show on panel?
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ako avatar image ako commented ·
Batteries do make a difference , some types are more efficient than others , theres also the self discharge factor which can be considerable depending on the age/condition of them .
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Michelle Konzack avatar image
Michelle Konzack answered ·

You forget ONE thing:

If you take out 100Ah from a Battery, then you can put 100Ah back into it.

However, if you take out 100Ah @24V which is 2400Wh, then you have to recharge 100Ah but with e.G. 28V which result in 2800Wh

From experience and measuring with my SOPzS 24V 2940Ah Batteries is, that I need roughly 13-14% more Energy for charging.

Have a nice evening.

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