
jeromep avatar image
jeromep asked

What is the maximum pv input voltage for victron multiplus II 48/5kva

What is the maximum pv input voltage for victron multiplus II 48/5kva?

I'll be running a 48 volt system.


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1 Answer
nickdb avatar image
nickdb answered ·

The multiplus does not directly connect to PV, it will share the DC bus with an appropriately sized mppt or two - use the calculator to size it properly.

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jeromep avatar image jeromep commented ·
Thanks! I was thinking the MP was an all in one, now I see you need a MPPT.
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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL jeromep commented ·

if you want an all in one youll need somthing like the easysolar 2 gx

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