
mysik avatar image
mysik asked

AC Ignore - Multiplus Load share

Hi All,

I couldn't find any YT video showing what is actually happening with the Multiplus and the load when it is connecting to grid form AC Ignore state.

Let say that we have Multiplus 5000 configured to AC Ignore if the load is below 4000W... So if the load goes up to 6000W the multi will connect to grid of course, but will it still keep supplying it max 4000W and will take the rest 2000W from the grid to keep up with the load, or will all 6000W be supplied from the grid?

Multiplus-IIac ignore
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4 Answers
Al avatar image
Al answered ·

Short answer: Yes, AC in will cover the full load and charge the batteries with excess.

If the Multi's AC in limit is 6000W it will power the 4000W load from the mains and charge the battery with the excess 2000W, if the AC in Limit was 3000W it will take the 3000W from the mains and supplement it with 1000W from the batteries to power the 4000W load. All until the AC Ignore threshold is met to ignore AC again. (Load drops below 4000W)

You can check your settings in VE.Config by selecting all assistants and viewing 'summary' to see the settings

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ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·


@Mysik There is no "sharing" as with ESS. If e.g. an W switching parameter is specified and a shore supply is connected, when this value is exceeded the inverter will shut off, the relays close and the system go into passthru supplying ALL the loads from the shore supply only. The batteries will also be charged at the same time. Once the load drops below the set value, the system will do the reverse. It all happens very fast and will typically not be noticable. However, depending on battery size and a number of factors, it may not be as smooth or even result in an actual overload.

1709661173862.png (32.7 KiB)
ac-ignore.mp4 (9.2 MiB)
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martin-bleho avatar image
martin-bleho answered ·
If the load exceeds the set value, the inverter switches to passthrough mode and does not participate in the power supply. All energy to the load is supplied from the grid. After consumption falls below the set limit, the inverter switches back to off-grid mode.
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mysik avatar image
mysik answered ·

I know that in the manual it says that you cannot use AC Ignore with ESS, but is there a way to have Multplus configured that it will connect to grid only to take enough power from the grid to avoid overload?

So in this scenario... Multiplus is still supplying 4000W (as per the limit) and connecting to grid only to take the remaining 2000W to keep up with the load and avoid overload situation???

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