
Mark avatar image
Mark asked

Node-Red charger (mppt) State to text output on display

Hi All

New to Red-Node.

I expect this to be a simple thing, how do I get to display words when the output is a number. (I have tried reading, looking for examples, google foo, all my tests fail).

ie. Charger state = 0 to display Off

Value types

0 - Off
2 - Fault
3 - Bulk
4 - Absorption
5 - Float
6 - Storage
7 - Equalize
245 - Off
247 - Equalize
252 - External Control

So basically if a value turns up I want to replace it with a text message.

Thanks in advance



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6 Answers
Peter Van Tienen avatar image
Peter Van Tienen answered ·

I used the "change node", pretty straight forward.


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Mark avatar image Mark commented ·
I tried testing this again and I got it to work.

I believe that my problem was not selecting the “number” in the search for.

Those characters are so small for those of us optically challanged.



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matt1309 avatar image
matt1309 answered ·

Hi @Mark

Im not a javascript programmer so i might use the wrong terms here. But what you want is a map.

define the map like this:

const statusMap = {
  0: 'Off',
  2: 'Fault',
  3: 'Bulk',
  4: 'Absorption',
  5: 'Float',
  6: 'Storage',
  7: 'Equalize',
  245: 'Off',
  247: 'Equalize',
  252: 'External Control'

Then to get the message from the number you would go

statusMap[0] would output Off

So if the message coming into the function node is the number and you want to output the message you would do:

msg.payload = statusMap[msg.payload];

Hope this helps

The other option is you can probably get a change node to do this. Depending on if you'll have other payloads with those numbers in. ie change from 0 to Off.
and repeat for each code. However this probably wont work if you have other messages that happen to include '0'

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Mark avatar image Mark commented ·

Hi this is what I’m looking for.

But can you answer where do I put this code?

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matt1309 avatar image matt1309 Mark commented ·

You'd put a function node in.

the nodes that get the data into the function node:

Then function node would then be something like: (please test before using)

const statusMap = {
  0: 'Off',
  2: 'Fault',
  3: 'Bulk',
  4: 'Absorption',
  5: 'Float',
  6: 'Storage',
  7: 'Equalize',
  245: 'Off',
  247: 'Equalize',
  252: 'External Control'

msg.payload = statusMap[msg.payload];
return msg.payload;

ANd then the output of function node would continue to wherever you need the message names to (ie message names will be stored in msg.payload

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Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image
Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) answered ·

But that is a nice idea. I can modify the nodes to also output the text value in case of an enumerated type as `msg.textvalue`. Which I'll add to the 1.5.14 release of node-red-contrib-victron (note that it will still take a while before being part of the normal Venus release)

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nickdb avatar image nickdb ♦♦ commented ·

That would be a great idea. I have way too many functions translating these states for dashboarding.

Now if only dash 2.0 allowed you to specify the payload, like v1..

1 Like 1 ·

Modified the code to show the textual value of the enums together with the value. And also output the value as `msg.textvalue`. I'll make a release of it and see if it can be squeezed into the next beta release.



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Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ commented ·
This has become available for users running the beta feed of Venus.
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Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

Sounds good.

I know the VRM portal displays this info.

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Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

img-0613.pngWorked it out

Using convert payload


img-0612.png (782.5 KiB)
img-0613.png (472.3 KiB)
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Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

I tried change mode first but it did not work for me. Endless hair pulling I gave up on this idea.


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