
edvanz avatar image
edvanz asked

Quattro 8000/200/100/100 24v 230 volt

Where can I find Quattro 8000 24V 200/100/100 AC input wattage consumption for 230V connection. I read the manual but couldn't find it and calculating it doesn't seem right.

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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

@EdvanZ, The "Technical Specification" sheet should be right around page 23 of the user manual... see attached screenshot for the specs that I believe you're asking for.

24-8k-200-100-100.png (176.8 KiB)
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edvanz avatar image
edvanz answered ·

Thanks Justin but I'm looking for the power consumption at 230v while max charging the batteries. For the Skylla 100amps 24v 230AC, Quatro 8000 and Centaur 24/16. I can't find that info anywhere.

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kai avatar image kai ♦ commented ·

(28.8v (absorption voltage for 24v) * (max charging current as per spec sheet = 100A for the Quattro 24/8000/100 unit) / 0.94 (efficiency loss)) + zero load power ~= 3 kW

A few rough assumptions in there and rounding - e.g. 94% efficiency was quoted for inverter not charger, but its a good starting point for back of envelope.

What did you get from your calcs/assumptions?

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edvanz avatar image edvanz kai ♦ commented ·

I'm working on 200 amps charging at 28v gives 5600 watts inefficiency 0.96 makes it 5833 w. 230v / 28v gives 8.214 multiplier from 28v to 230v. Volt up means Amps down , so taken 200amps / 8.214=24.24 Amps at 230v gives 5575 watts at 230v. Which is very close to 200A charging at 28v=5600watts I was just amazed that the max possible consumption isn't anywhere in the documentation. People need to know this figure for calculating fuses and cable sizes etc

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ edvanz commented ·

The Quattro 8000 can pass through up to 100A so if you want to use full power you need to accordingly size the fuses and cables.

You also can set the maximum input current to lower values.

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