
mike-alanko avatar image
mike-alanko asked

Recommend charger for 63Ah 4S Li-Ion (16.8V)?

I would like to charge the described battery with 10-20A current. Would the Blue Smart IP65 suit this application? I was unable to find adjustability limits for voltage. This is a 4S 18P pack of LG Mj1 cells. Thank you!

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Mike Alanko

At 4s-18p you will be there a while.

But yeah since the variations of the charger output is between that range you should be good with that charger.

Sounds like a recipe for disaster at 4.2v per cell though. Also the 18p is questionable.

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mike-alanko avatar image mike-alanko commented ·
Sorry why disaster? What would you recommend instead?
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ mike-alanko commented ·

Do you have a BMS? Does it measure all the cells?

4.2v per cell is very high for lithium. Usually 3.8v is the max. 18650s?

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mike-alanko avatar image mike-alanko Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Yes, these are LG Mj1 cells, not LiFePo4.
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ mike-alanko commented ·

Yeah. I realised that after I Google checked them. Sorry about the previous answer.

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mike-alanko avatar image
mike-alanko answered ·

Fantastic - what is the maximum voltage this charger can output?

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Its max settable is 17.5v I can't test it that high.
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

@Mike Alanko

I am going to have to ask. I see it is not on the tech specs. I have done 15v with one. But not 16.4v. I can set it there in the app but not test it on my battery.

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