
simon-osborne avatar image
simon-osborne asked

Multiplus compact 12/1600 tripping RCD

Hi, I seem to have a fault with my inverter, when it has been disconnected from shore power I plug it back in and if it’s on inverter or charger it trips the RCD on my shore consumer. I have tried several things to eliminate the fault with no success. I have disconnected all power to my on board sockets, still trips, tried a different shore cable still trips, tried a different shore consumer still trips (boat next to me)

I have sort of managed to get it to come on, I have shore power coming onto my boat then going to galvanic isolator, if i disconnect the earth wire (yellow/green) from the isolator then I can turn the inverter on it starts to charge and do pass through with out it tripping RCD it is then possible to reconnect the earth wire to the isolator and it carry’s on working. It appears to be a fault with the ground relay in the inverter to the best of my knowledge.

Thanks for any help

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·

Hi Simon,

Take a look at this book:

Especially on chapter 7 and see if you can find your case.


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simon-osborne avatar image simon-osborne commented ·

Thanks for the info, makes interesting reading gives me some ideas

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